Sometimes life can get a little....well....predictable. I have always loved taking care of my family whether it be cooking, cleaning, kissing boo boos, helping with homework, packing school lunches...etc. But every once in a while, the routine and structure begin to close in around me and ......
Ring cell phone is ringing.
"Hello?" I know that it is Greta, my friend from Boise.
"Hey," she says hurriedly because nothing Greta does is calm nor slow. "You're going steelhead fishing with me...It's a Women With Bait Fishing Tournament in Riggins, Idaho and I already fronted your deposit so you can't say no."
Most of the time, I need more details, more discussion, time to think about it, can I afford it?...etc. But that's what's so great about Greta...she never gives you the opportunity to think about it. You're going...and you're going to have a blast!
So Greta, Heidi (Greta's friend and I'm sure another victim of the same phone call) and I meet in Boise and head north towards Riggins Idaho. The plan was to stay in Riggins two nights...we'd arrive there on Saturday, fish all day Sunday, then drive back early Monday. The fishing is an organized trip called Women With Bait and is a tournament that consists of guessed it...women and steelhead fishing. Steelhead are a trout and average 20 to 30 inches in length (although some can get even bigger). To find out more about being a part of this tournament, click here.
We arrive in Riggins, tired (me a little car sick) but ready for fun. We check into our hotel rooms, get warm clothing on and go outside.

Right off our patios, there's a slight cliff that leads down to the river. We decide to venture down, cocktails in hand.

Isn't it pretty?

Hey Look!...There's a fisherman! Greta goes and bothers him.

Brrrr...It's cold and wet out here.

Between now and the next morning, there was rock throwing, cocktails, a bit of gambling...and just plain old girls having fun. Now onto fishing...
7 women, a boat driver and a self proclaimed "Bait Boy" climb aboard an aluminum boat.

We waste no time zooming up the river to find perfect little spots to cast our lines.
It's cold out....Very, very cold.

The boat driver would take us up river to calm areas of water, perfect for drifting and catching big fish. There were a few small fish caught, ones that couldn't be kept and needed to be thrown back.
Isn't our Bait Boy so funny?

There were some slow points during the day.

I enjoyed the quiet. Just me and the rugged river:

Oh...The rugged river makes me a bit sick at times:

Ahh...that's better....Back to me and the river:

Then...something magical happened. A tug on the line...a proper yank of the rod...SNAG! GOT ONE!

What A RUSH!
While the bait boy hits the steelhead over the head with a giant stick to knock it out...
Wait...I feel a bit sick again...

Look! I caught a FISH!!!

Isn't she a beauty! Hopefully I don't throw up again!

Now this fish is in my freezer....Not sure what to do with it yet. But stay tuned and you may just see a delightful steelhead trout recipe.
We were on the boat 9 hours. There was loud music, dancing, beer drinking, harassing the bait boy and driver, peeing in the wilderness...Everything a girl could want.
All in all, including throwing up, I think we girls had a blast. I want to do it again as soon as possible. It just goes to show that when you have your girls around you, your weekend will be filled with new adventures and some of your fondest memories.
I can't wait til Greta calls again. Wonder what the getaway will be next time?
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