Monday, March 12, 2012

Money Monday

Get ready for my first blog contest!  So excited to offer you a chance to win free money just by following and getting a few of your friends to follow me as well! 

$20 Visa Gift card given away WEEKLY!

All you have to do is get your friends to Join My Site!  It's Free.  It's Easy.  It's Fast.  What are you waiting for?  You could potentially win up to $80 a month!

Here's all the Rules and Stuff:
1).  You must Join My Site.  It's on my home page at .  Look for the BLUE Button on the right hand side that says "Join this Site".  Click on it and join! 
2.)  Now you must comment under this post.  Go ahead, scroll down and you'll see a comment button below. Click on it.
3)  In the comment, leave me your name, that you are a follower, and you are participating in the contest. 
4)  Now get your friends to do the same thing!!! Every time you get someone to follow me, have them leave a comment under this same post stating their name, and that you referred them. 
5) Keep on doing this.  Each week, you'll have from Monday through Saturday (of the same week) to get me as many followers as you can. (So this contest will end Saturday, March 17th at 11:59pm and the winner will be announced Monday, March 19th.)  Whoever gets me the most new followers in that time period WINS!
6)  I will close the contest on Saturday night at 11:59 pm.  The winner will be announced the following Monday morning and the contest will start again!
7)  I will contact the winner via e-mail to get their ship to info.  Make sure to leave a valid e-mail address when asked in your comment.  If there is ever a tie, I will randomly pick the one winner out of the top individuals for that week.

So let's get started!  Can't wait to see who the first winner is! 

Remember to comment below and GOOD LUCK!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sup! I'll take this challenge. Rebecca Turner, e-mail is!!!
