Welcome to 1950swannabe! My name is Laura. I find it hard to write an 'about me' page due to the fact that I'm still really trying to get that nailed down myself. The most important characteristic that identifies me is that I am Bear's mommy. Bear is 8 years old and most everything I think and do is because of her. That has been the only constant in my world since the very day she was born. I never dreamed I would be this person.
I grew up fantasizing about business suits, successful careers, expensive cars and making my own rules. Of course, I would obtain all this myself and be an independent woman! I think an "i am woman, hear me roar" thought played in my head most of the time.
But then, as some of you know very well, life crept in. I got married young, had my Bear young, and then divorced young. After Bear was born, I still had this idea that I could have it all: a successful career, a wonderful home life, and be an amazing mother. I strove at it for years after Bear came into my life, and, in my opinion, did an OK job. I know that there are a lot of women out there that can and do do it all. I slowly began to realize that I was not one of these women. I began to resent my job; the same job I had enjoyed and received so much fulfilment from before. I began leaving work early, just so I could pick up my girl and spend a lazy afternoon with her. I began coming in late, so that I could let my girl sleep in. I found myself thinking of what wonderful things she and I could cook for dinner that night as opposed to what I needed to be doing for work. I subconsciously began making the switch from career woman to mommy. I tried to "play" at the work thing for some time to come. But one day, I let it go. I needed to be home with my Bear.
I started this blog mainly to share recipes, since cooking has been a major part of my life since becoming a mother. I assume other topics will tend to creep in from now and then. I have this fantasy of the 1950s when women wore dresses, heels, and red lipstick (a few of my favorite things) and cared for their families. They cooked, sewed, wiped dirty faces, shared martinis with their husbands, etc, all while looking fabulous. I envision it as a simpler time. It may not be every one's cup of tea, but this is my fantasy. I'm just so grateful I have the chance to try and live it.
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