Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Book Reports

       Bear, my only child, is in the 3rd grade.  The curriculum and changes to children's behavior leap from the 2nd to the 3rd grade seems to be the largest between grades so far.  Math, reading, and girl cliques have taken over our lives the last few months.  The students even have to complete monthly book reports this year.  This is no big deal in our house due to the fact that Bear loves, loves, loves to read.  I adore this characteristic in her.  Maybe because it reminds me of me.  But also, I know that being an avid reader helps you absorb information more quickly therefore, in my opinion, makes learning any subject easier.

     At the beginning of every month, Bear's teacher sends home the criteria for completing the book report for that month with a suggested list of book's to choose from.  Each list of suggested books has a theme.  For example, in October, the student's had to pick from a list of 'mystery' books.  This month had a history theme to it.  Armed with this 'history' themed list of books, Bear and I headed off to the city library.  I walked to the search computer and began typing in the book titles Bear thought might be interesting.  Checked out..checked out...checked out .  This search computer's tone was beginning to annoy me.  None of the books Bear had originally chosen were in...turns out every other student at the school had the same opinions about these titles and their mommies had gotten to the library days before me.  UGH...So I decided to just start at the top of the list of suggested books and write down the ones that were available.  Checked out, checked out, checked out, checked out...etc.  This is a list of at least 25 books and every one had been checked out!!!  Who were all these supermoms?  What the hell?  Is this the highlight of their month?  Let me guess, they just can't wait to get their grubby little hands on this list and run off to the library the first day the list lands on their doorstep!  Wait!  What's this...Oh My God!  I found one!  One precious little book that hasn't been checked out.  Got IT!  "Beethoven Lives Upstairs".  I wrote down the location and "not too suspiciously" walked quickly towards the correct aisle.  For all I know, these supermom's are just watching, waiting to grab the last available book on the list. Once found, I very calmly grabbed my daughter and made a quick sprint for the check out computer with the last book on the "list" .  Haha!  There must be at least one mother out there slower than me!  Ha ha! Ha ha ha ha!

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