Now let me say that I am not anymore a Coca Cola drinker. I used to be until a few years ago when my friend asked me to accompany her to the Dominican Republic for a vacation. Upon this request, I immediately looked in the mirror and saw a body that was no where near fit for such an adventure. I immediately began working out and cut most fats from my daily life. However, even the idea of the obtaining the beach body I had in mind could not keep me from my occasional rum and cokes. So, like any cocktail girl, I figured I could cut some of the calorie intake by switching from Coke to Diet Coke. This took me a few weeks to get used to due to the fact that I think I was actually breast fed on Coca Cola Classic (I am originally from Atlanta.) But after a few weeks, my taste buds began to cooperate and I finally made my permanent switch from regular coke to diet coke. Now I can't even stand the stand of the regular stuff.
The only problem I have with Diet Coke now is the fact that it seems to be left out of the Christmas marketing spirit. I don't see "Holiday Correct" diet coke cans or bottles...no, no...this Christmas advertising joy seems to be reserved for the full calorie can fans. No matter my choice in drinking habits, I still like seeing the Christmas spirit printed on the regular cans. Which brings me to the point of this rambling thought. I just read an article in the news stating that because of the "confusing" look of the new holiday can, Coca Cola is now yanking it from stores only two weeks into it's debut. Turns out, many people were "confused" by it's appearance and bought the cans thinking it was the diet version. I have troubles with these people. I myself am a diet coke drinker and was not tricked by this new can's appearance for more than two seconds! It's plain to see it's not diet coke!!! The only similarity is the can color. If you are in fact a diet coke drinker, you'll notice that no matter what, your can/bottle/whatever will always say Diet COKE. These holiday cans, along with every other holiday version, say Coca Cola Classic...in cursive!!! That never changes.
What really upsets me is "uproar" over this. Ok ok..so some people didn't look very closely and bought this product thinking it was diet. (Still having trouble understanding that) but ok...so you take one sip, realize your fatal mistake and throw it out or return it for what you originally intended to purchase. Done, right? Nope...let's get our panties waded up over it and start e-mailing congress men for crying out loud. Now, just to be clear, I could somewhat understand if a diabetic happens to purchase this by mistake and there might be a medical risk involved. However, I have no medical need to drink diet coke other than my "I feel skinnier when I drink something labeled diet" syndrome and I am somehow able to tell the difference even with that insignificant thought running through my brain!
In short (I know, way too late) I really liked these cans and now, due to this mass confusion, I probably only have that stupid overdone vintage Santa to look forward to now. Sigh.
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